Fur & Nails - Flintshire
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Fur & Nails

48 Elm Drive

Tel: 07736314316
Email: e.nieman1@btinternet.com
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I work from my home, so it is a comfortable, relaxed environment for the animals.
No kennelling or caging.
Dogs are groomed by myself only, and on a one to one basis.
I am qualified and insured.
I also have an animal First Aid certificate.
Experience with all breeds and sizes of dog.
Will groom dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs

Services & Prices

I provide a grooming service for all breeds of dog, in a relaxed and comfortable environment at my home.
I pride myself on great customer services and providing my customers with a great groom, so they will be happy to return in the future.
Grooms can be quoted for, but unfortunately cant give a solid price until I have seen the dog and the condition of its coat.

Grooming Prices

Airedale Terrier
Alaskan Malamute
Cavalier King Charles
St. Bernard

Other Services

Anal Glands
Bath & Dry (Large)
Bath & Dry (Medium)
Bath & Dry (Small)
Collect & Return
Nail Clipping
Puppies First Groom

Our Location

Note: Map only shows approximate location.


Provides a pick up and return service.

Open Hours

Tuesday-Saturday 10am- 8pm

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